Our non-profit Community Development Corporation provides assistance to the under-privileged communities of America with three initiatives:

  1. Workforce Development Help young and old get a job and make some money.
  2. Entrepreneurial Education Show people how to create and execute their business plan
  3. Recreation Put a softball in the kid’s hands instead of a gun.

Foundation Officers

Nathan T. Edwards, Chairman
Thomas Murphy, Legal
Diana Byrd, Director
Leland White, House Ambassador
William D. Hughes

Corporate Partner

Advanage Diversified Products, Inc., manufacturer of Advanage 20X Multipurpose Cleaner, is donating a percentage of all its sales to the Foundation.


Advanage Foundation Articles of Incorporation according to the General Not for Profit Corporation Act issued on February 11, 2014 by Jesse White, Secretary of State, Department of Business Services, Corporation Division, Springfield, IL 62756.